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更新: 2020-01-16 17:19
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【烤箱】LO-27/LO-90/LO-136_BLUE M烘箱

Blue M烘箱Lab Ovens-LO系列 Mechanical Convection机械对流
Designed for laboratory applications such as moisture drying, curing, baking, aging and general testing. These convection ovens feature an cellent balance of value and features. The ovens he been designed for convenience and appearance in the workplace and include ergonomic handles and controls, with a powder-coated steel terior. Components are high quality, to ensure years of reliable service.


LO系列-BLUE M烘箱特点:
·Stainless steel interior with powder-coated terior for durability 
·Adjustable shelving provides flible workspace configuration

【烤箱】LO-27/LO-90/LO-136_BLUE M烘箱相关产品:
Blue M 机械对流式烘箱DC146/DC206/DC256/DC336/DC1406
Blue M 无氧烘箱136/336(立式)206/256/296(台式)
Blue M 芯片封装烘箱206/256/296(台式)136/336(立式)
Blue M 氮气烘箱206/256/296(台式)136/336(立式)
BIue M 146/206/256系列/1406烘箱206/256/296(台式)136/336(立式)
Blue M 工业烘箱166/246/326/366/606
BIue M 封装测试烘箱206/256/296(台式)136/336(立式)
Blue M 标准高温烘箱CW5580/CW6680/CW7780/CW8880/CW9980
Blue M 洁净室机械对流烘箱206/256(卧式)336/1406(立式)
Blue M 烘箱GO-27/GO-90/GO-136/GO-225/9F/16F/32F/STL-05/HS-1002/HS-1202/HS-3802/HS-362-12/HS-1004-1/HS-1004-1/HS-1204-1/HS-3804-1/DC-256A-FHP-1/DC-166/246/326/366/606/806/966A-FHP-1/IGF-6680/7780/8880/9980


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