
Radial JDI 单声道无源 DI 直插盒 单通道DI盒 无源立体声ID盒 吉他DI盒 乐器直插盒

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更新: 2018-11-06 15:29
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Radial JDI 单声道无源 DI 直插盒 单通道DI盒 无源立体声ID盒 吉他DI盒 乐器直插盒

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JDI 单声道无源 DI 直插盒


u 世界上音质最棒的无源直插盒

u 用于键盘、模块和电子鼓

u 著名获奖的 Jensen 变压器

u 变压器镍叠片核心,不保留记忆或极性,减少相位失


u 处理极端瞬态信号而不失真和染色声音

u 超长常规的 10Hz-40kHz 线性响应

u 超常电平处理能力而不会产生失真

u 无需电池或幻象供电,即插即用

u 极高的动态承载能力不过载

u 消除了声音中的“哼”和“吱”声

u 独特书本式设计,保护控制旋钮不受外界撞击的伤害

u 级 14 规格钢材焊接制,使电路板不会发生扭转

u 底部防滑垫处理,提供物理机械隔离和电气绝缘


u 频率响应:20Hz-20kHz

u 动态范围:>109dB

u 背底噪声:-99dBbelow0dBu

u 等效输入噪声:-103dBu

u 输入电平:+10dBu

u 相位偏差:-0°@1KHz

u 总谐波失真:0.002%@-5dBu

u 互调失真:0.002%@-3dBu

u 输入阻抗:220k-¼"input

u 输出阻抗:600Ω

u 输入衰减:-15dB

u 高通滤波器:-3dB@80Hz

u 尺寸:84x127x48mm

u 重量:720g


Pure Sound of the Instrument

The Radial JDI is a passive direct box designed to handle extreme signal levels without distortion of any kind. At the heart, the Radial JDI employs the world class Jensen JT-DB-EPC audio transformer delivering a smooth, warm sounding Bessel curve, reminiscent of the finest vintage gear. Ruler flat from 10Hz to 40kHz and with virtually zero phase deviation, the JDI delivers the natural, pure sound of the instrument without artifact. By its no-power passive design, the Radial JDI performs both high-to-low impedance conversion and signal balancing over a magnetic bridge that passes signal while rejecting stray DC voltage. This makes the JDI particularly adept at eliminating hum and buzz caused by ground loops.

World's Finest DI

The worlds finest passive direct box, the Radial JDI, brings unprecedented sonic transparency and simplicity – allowing the artist to be free of hassle and focused in on their music.

ensen Transformer equipped passive DI

Eliminates hum and buzz from ground loops

Virtually zero phase & harmonic distortion

Exceptional signal handling and noise rejection


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