
Organic goji berry powder

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品牌: Pure Goji
销量: 累计出售 0
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更新: 2018-08-07 11:20
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Goji berry powder freeze in sub 0 degree temperatures to extract all the water and then make into powder. This process preserves all the natural nutrients which may be damaged in heat drying processes.Perfect to recover to fresh juice with a strong fruit taste.

 This raw wolfberry powder is a genus of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), containing about 90 species of plants native throughout much of the temperate and subtropical zones of the world. They are mostly found in dry, semi-saline environments.

Freeze Dried Goji berry powder are used in many herbal formulas(such as tea, soup, stew and wine) to maintain overall health when suffering from chronic conditions, such as weariness of the loins and legs, dizziness and tinnitus, visual degeneration, headaches, insomnia, chronic liver diseases, diabetes and hypertension.

Product Name: Goji Berry Powder

Latin Name: Lycium barbarum L.

Other Name:  Wolfberry powder

Part Used: Goji Fruit

Active Ingredient: Goji polysaccharides

Specification: Straight Powder

Appearance: Orange Yellow Powder

Place of Origin: China 


Packaged in plastic bags shipped in 25kg cardboard canisters

Storage: Store in a cool & dry area, keep away from the direct light and heat.

Shelf life: 2 Years


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