

单价: 电询
品牌: 顺虹塑机
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人气: 已有 43 人关注
更新: 2018-09-06 16:39
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Twice-Stage order vented style plastic extruding and granulating machine group with two venteed style plastic extrusion pelleting machine series into a cascade of waste plastics recycling granulation equipment, adopts different screw extruder design, so as to adapt to different kinds of waste plastics are recycled granules. The unit can be designed with "t-shaped" or "one-letter" arrangement to meet the needs of different customers. Two extrusion machine design have change exhaust and fast filter device, repeatable after heat the material produced by gas discharge, and after two filtering impurities filtration material, make the production of more solid, smooth, pure grain. Change unit is applicable to ABS, polystyrene (PS), high-pressure polyethylene (HPPE), low pressure polyethylene (LPPE), polypropylene (PP) and so on the regeneration of the waste plastic granulation, has high yield, stable performance, convenient operation and economic benefit after etc; Has been adopted by the majority of customers at home and abroad.



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