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品牌: SKF轴承
包装: 商包
质量体系: ISO9000
质量保证: 合同签罚
单价: 电询
起订: 1 套
供货总量: 3000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
最后更新: 2019-04-23 14:52
浏览次数: 17
In normal light load applications, metal fatigue is a rare problem, but the fatigue life of SKF machine tool bearing grease is a restrictive factor to determine the life of sealed bearings.
Compared with sealed deep groove ball bearings, the efficiency of energy-s**ing deep groove ball bearings can be more than doubled due to the reduction of heat dissipation of bearings and the special formulation of low friction oil.
According to the recommended operating conditions, the grease-retaining life of energy-s**ing deep groove ball bearings determines the service life of the bearings, and can be estimated by the lubrication life diagram. This estimation is based on the grease life of deep groove ball machine. This is defined as a period of time during which 90 sets of bearings that appear to be identical are large enough at the end of the year to maintain reliable lubrication of SKF machine tool bearings.
The grease life diagram provides the grease life estimation based on working temperature and speed. It is suitable for light load (P < 0.05C) and horizontal shaft bearings. If he**y bearing is needed, Bi must shorten the service life of grease. The appropriate reduction factors are listed in the table.
Machine tools are composed of many parts, bearing is one of them. When bearing is used on machine tools, it will h**e a negative impact on the performance of machine tools. With the gradual development of machine tool industry towards intellectualization, in order to meet these development needs, higher requirements are put forward for bearing products. So, why do bearings affect the performance of machine tools? Now let's understand.
1. Performance degradation of bearing components
Bearing parts of SKF machine tools generally include rollers, cages, rings and so on. Their performance degradation will h**e a great impact on the normal operation of the whole machinery. N**t, the network is analyzed in detail.
In fact, cages play a key role in the composition of bearing components. Therefore, its performance directly affects the reliability of bearing products. In order to ensure the quality of the cage, great care must be taken in selecting materials. Commonly used cage materials mainly include bearing steel, engineering plastics and so on. Choosing the appropriate cage material can effectively improve the guiding effect and stability of the cage.
2. Cleanliness of Bearing Products
Because bearings belong to the category of precision mi products, it is very important to do a good job in cleaning the bearings of SKF machine tools. The high cleanliness of its products has an important impact on improving its own and the use level of the whole machinery and equipment. Therefore, in order to improve the cleanliness of bearing products, attention should be paid to the following aspects:
1. Selection of detergents. Di 1, we must ensure the high quality of detergent bi; Di 2, we Bi must be suitable for use under specific conditions. only by guaranteeing these two points can you effectively prevent foreign bodies from entering the bearing.
2.Good grinding of bearings has an important impact on improving the surface finish of bearings, ensuring that there are no impurities before the bearings le**e the factory.

文章来自:SKF机床轴承 www.wh-skf.com
The article is from: SKF machine bearing www.wh-skf.com
文章来自:INA轴承 www.ina-china.cn
Articles from: INA Bearing www.ina-China.cn
文章来自:NSK轴承 www.klbbearings.com
Article from: NSK Bearing www.klbbearings.com



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