

品牌: 创园景观
单价: 电询
起订: 1
供货总量: 5000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 14 天内发货
所在地: 云南 昆明市
最后更新: 2016-12-16 14:24
浏览次数: 10

  鸿恒远景(英文名称:Hon constant vision)主营:铁艺花架(Wrought iron flower),立体花架(3 d

flower),并为创园景观提供产品服务(And provide products and services for the garden



Company products combined with the aesthetic concept and modern technology, pioneering 'flower art products in China and applied for a patent, it is a flower POTS, outdoor landscape and city sculptures and decorations, is also a new energy outdoor lighting equipment. Customers across the country hundreds of cities, the company's products and city beautification projects, with artistic and regionality, practicability and humanized design for the window, for contemporary urban focus on developing the economy at the same time better to show their unique personality charm city. Patented products and tsinghua university, college of art in San Francisco, the China central academy of top designers at home and abroad well-known colleges and universities. Provide the overall landscape solutions and services for our customers!


  As the saying goes: a price points a points goods. 'Price' and 'smart'

science and technology, both of which look as if it too, but geely did. New

vision with intelligent voice systems, mobile phone connection function, PEPS

(no key into a key), and other functions, these are all luxury cars have the

configuration of the oh ~ let your car more intelligent, more fashion, more



Recently, in-store vision period depreciate sales promotion, current car is enough, color is complete, the biggest discount after recent purchases 20000 yuan, at the same time receive $10000 package, exquisite some models to send original navigation. Whole series of car models are selling national registration. Car free for temporary license, complete a purchase convenient, allowing you to save time! Save money! More worry! Our car all can enjoy the benefits of the national group, guaranteed for life.


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