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单价: 电询
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
最后更新: 2018-12-31 15:44
浏览次数: 14
 hot summer is a sensitive period of watch problems. Many watch is because of the improper maintenance period, and lost the original luster or shorten the life of the watch, even the top watch also escape the rules. Although the choice of wearing metal chain table is the basic knowledge of wear watches in the hot season, but how to maintain the chain table, which is a permanent new, consumers often ignore. Buying a table is like buying a car, in addition to pay attention to quality performance, but also to understand the maintenance of common sense, to ensure that the life of love table. Hot and humid summer climate, people go to the hot days when each sweating, watch a sweat encounter may leave green or black marks on the wrist. Because of the sweat of the pH value is different, the degree of erosion of the clock is not the same. So the usual active maintenance of love table, is an important topic of love table is worth caring about. Generally speaking, male consumers more emphasis on the maintenance of watches and clocks, in addition to a large amount of sweat, strong activity, the male is also more than the concept of machinery. 

 watches in sweat turned green, because the table factory made of gold-plated easy, beautiful color copper gold plating, gold plating technology but if not handled properly will cause oxidation of watches. Watch gold plating is generally used stainless steel plating techniques, so it has rarely been found in this e. Therefore, it is best to buy gold or stainless steel material that watches. As for wearing a watch wrist is black, and poor air quality, dust long card has a direct relationship in watchband. In this e, it is best to pay a professional watch shop cleaning, daily wear should also pay attention to the cleanliness of the watch. 
 discussed above refers to the housing and watch chain, as for internal maintenance or wash oil, thoroughly clean, still should be regularly sent to do the professional processing shop table. Some table stores are very popular with ultrasonic wash table, but because the instrument need to shock the way to clean the watch, it is very easy to cause the internal parts of the watch loose. Therefore, this cleaning method, but easy to cause the trouble of consumers, because many high priced table involves sophisticated and complex structure, often will be sent back to repair, therefore, it is not suitable to use this type of instrument to wash table. 


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