

品牌: SKF轴承
包装: 商包
质量体系: ISO9000
质量保证: 合同签罚
单价: 电询
起订: 1 套
供货总量: 3000 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 无锡市
最后更新: 2018-12-25 12:01
浏览次数: 11


At present, many developed countries will produce CNC machine tools by themselves. When Xuzhou SKF bearing is used, it can bring convenience to many people, especially small private manufacturers. In the past, many people have seen these private manufacturers use some hand tools to cut some hard objects.


In the cutting process, a lot of manpower and material resources are needed for Xuzhou SKF bearings. Friends in many places use WEDM to save more time. The introduction of this advanced machine has led many factories to find a fast production method. In the production process, some special objects can be separated by using the advanced technology of WEDM machine tool. Now. Most manufacturers of WEDM machines are in China.


Many developed countries abroad will also come to China to buy these machines. Now, as the world's largest industrial base, China will become our customers in the United States and Japan. At present, this kind of Xuzhou SKF bearing WEDM machine has been widely used in every corner of life.


Why did our bearings rust so fast when they were taken apart? This was originally used to lubricate bearings for a long time, but it has long been found that butter has dried up and exposed bacteria or sweat droplets from the handle to the outside, thereby reducing the life of bearings. We should conclude that my solution is to improve the long-term use of bearings, so we should. Maintain them. Protection.


First, gasoline is used to clean the bearings to remove the residual oil and dust on Xuzhou SKF bearings. All rusty bearings are lightly polished with metallographic sandpaper until there is no rough feeling.


Second, dry the washed bearings with dry cloth and soak them in rust-proof oil. In this process, the bearing ** must fully contact with the rust-proof oil, so that the bearing rotates continuously, so that the oil film formed by the rust-proof oil covers the bearing surface, so as to achieve the purpose of rust-proof.


Thirdly, lithium grease (butter) should be evenly coated on the surface of Xuzhou SKF bearing, including inner and outer rings, wheels and cages. In addition, it is a rotating bearing with frictional edges, so that butter is really entering the bearing interior, play a full lubrication role.


Fourth, ** The latter process is packaging. In order to save cost, we cut the waste water sludge bags into appropriate size bags, tightly wrapped the bearings, marked the specifications and models of bearings, and put them back on the shelves for storage.


文章来自:徐州SKF轴承 www.wh-skf.com

Article from: Xuzhou SKF Bearing www.wh-skf.com

文章来自:徐州INA轴承 www.ina-china.cn

Article from: Xuzhou INA Bearing www.ina-China.cn

文章来自:徐州NSK轴承 www.klbbearings.com

Article from: Xuzhou NSK Bearing www.klbbearings.com







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