

品牌: 味之源
单价: 电询
起订: 1
供货总量: 50000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 14 天内发货
所在地: 黑龙江
最后更新: 2015-12-28 08:50
浏览次数: 4

Good mechanical, good equipment, full automatic food production line, GB mechanical equipment,good dog food, from the beginning of Harbin Jinnuo machinery. China manufacturing, French technology, better quality from China Jinnuo machinery. The food machine dedicated, high nutritionformula, more quality guarantee.中国最强狗粮机,宠物食品设备,最源头的厂家直销,中国独立知识产权

好狗粮机械设备,专业狗粮生产线,全自动的宠物食品生产线,厂家直销,厂家供应小型,中型设备,大型全自动生产线。专业生产狗粮,猫粮,鸟粮,饲料等,好机械,Good dog food machinery and equipment, professional dog food production line, fully automatic pet food production line, factory direct sales, manufacturers supply small and medium-sized equipment, large-scale automatic production line. Specializing in the production of dog food, cat food, bird grain,feed, machinery,

Brand-name enterprises in China, Harbin Jinnuo food machine, dog food, pet food production line equipment, food production line, the dog food equipment, civil electricity, power food machinery, all equipment department of national standard, enterprise equipment strict requirements, equipment production line production and processing, uniform standards, quality has safeguard more.有民用电,动力电狗粮机械,所有设备系国家标准,企业设备要求严格,设备全系生产线加工生产,统一标准,质量更有保障,


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