
Radial SB-1 现场电声乐器有源DI直插盒批发零售

品牌: Radial
单价: 电询
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
最后更新: 2019-10-29 10:31
浏览次数: 13

Radial SB-1 现场电声乐器原声有源DI直插盒批发零售 隔离变压器 消除接地回路的噪声DI直插盒 吉他DI盒 Radial DI直插盒


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SB-1 现场电声乐器原声有源DI直插盒


u 动态余量

u 吉他、贝斯、键盘和鼓模块的理想选择

u 高输入阻抗减小负载

u 将立体声合成单声道的开关

u 低通滤波器,-15dB 衰减,极性反转

u 无需电池,幻象电源供电

u 无抑制或削波的处理大瞬态

u 高耐用开关,10000 次的按压频次

u 接地开关断开输入与输出间的内部接地通道

u  14 规格钢材焊接制,使电路板不会发生扭转

u 底部防滑垫处理,提供物理机械隔离和电气绝缘


u 设备类型:有源信号放大和分配器

u 频率响应:20Hz-20kHz

u 总谐波失真:<0.006%

u 动态范围:>100dB

u 输入阻抗:800K/23K

u 输入:+2dBu/+8dBu

u 增益:+1.3dBu/+4.4dB

u 电平输出:+3.3dBu/+12.3dBu

u 输出阻抗:330Ω

u 等效输入的噪声︰-101dBu

u 本底噪声:-97dBu

u 互调失真:<0.01%

u 相位控制:相位开关

u 输入衰减:-12dB

u 尺寸:114mmx47mmx34mm

u 重量:365 

StageBug SB-1 Active Direct Box

Active Direct Box

The Radial StageBug SB-1 is a high-performance active direct box made for players that are on the move. Made to fit inside a guitar e, the SB-1 is the smallest Radial DI box ever! But dont let the small size deter… this ultra-compact StageBug sounds absolutely terrific!

Active direct box for acoustic guitar

Ultra compact to fit in your guitar e

Plug & play easy to use feature set

48V phantom powered, no batteries needed!

Ultra-compact DI

The design begins with standard ¼ instrument input with a thru-put to feed your tuner or your on-stage amp. The ultra-quiet active circuit at once converts the signal from high to low impedance to reduce susceptibility to noise. The signal is then buffered and balanced for long cable runs to the PA system. 48 volt phantom provides the power, so the SB-1 does not require batteries or external supply to make it work. You simply plug in and you are ready to go!

SB-1 Specifications

The Radial StageBug SB-1 is a super compact direct box that is designed primarily for acoustic guitars. As evident with the tests below, the compact size and streamlined feature set should in no way equate to lesser audio quality. The SB-1 delivers an exceptionally linear frequency response, virtually zero phase shift, and less than 0.005% distortion at all frequencies making the SB1 an ideal interface for all instruments.



Block Diagram



Audio circuit type: Active Buffer with Phase Splitter

Number of channels: 1

Frequency response: 20Hz to 20KHz

Dynamic range: >100dB

Gain: +1.3dBu/+4.4dB

Clip Level: +3.3dBu/+12.3dBu

Total harmonic distortion: <0.006%

Intermodulation Distortion: <0.01%

Phase Deviation: 25/12° Maximum

Input Impedance: 800K/23K

Output Impedance: 330 Ohms

Equivalent Input Noise: -101dBu

Noise: -97dBu

Maximum Input: +2dBu/+8dBu


Input pad, 180° polarity reverse, Ground lift

Input Connectors: 1/4"

Output Connectors: XLR


Construction: 16 gauge steel chassis & outer shell

Size (L x W x D): 4.5" x 1,85" x 1.35" (114mm x 47mm x 34mm)

Weight: 0.55 lbs (250 grams)

Shipping size (L x W x D): 8" x 5" x 3" (203mm x 127mm x 76mm)

Shipping weight: 0.8 lbs (365 grams)

Power: 48V phantom power, 5mA

Conditions: For use in dry locations only between 5°C and 40°C

Warranty: Radial 3-year, transferable


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