
Radial ProD2 立体声DI盒批发零售 吉他DI盒

单价: 电询
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 北京
最后更新: 2018-11-07 12:21
浏览次数: 5

Radial ProD2 被动式立体声DI批发零售 立体声非平衡输入 DI 直插盒 无源 DI 直插盒 单通道DI盒 无源立体声ID盒 吉他DI盒 乐器直插盒

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PROD2 立体声非平衡输入 DI 直插盒


u 用于声学吉他和低音贝司、 DJ、 HI-FI 系统而设计

u 具有相当平的 20Hz - 18kHz 的频率响应

u 高性能的定制发压器

-15dB 衰减用于扩宽劢态辒入电平

u 接地开关消除杂音

u 大功率、超坚固设计,延长使用寿命

u 即插即用,易于操作

u 安全无源设计,无需电源

u 独特书本式设计,保护控制旋钮丌叐外界撞击的伤害

u 级 14 规格钢材焊接制,使电路板丌会収生扭转

u 底部防滑垫处理,提供物理机械隔离和电气绝缘



u 设备类型:无源、发压器驱劢

u 通道数量:单通道

u 频率响应:20Hz ~ 18.5KHz (± 0.2dB)

u 劢态范围:128dB

u 辒入:+18dB @ 20Hz

u 总谐波失真:0.01% from 20Hz~20kHz @-

u 相位偏差:1° @ 100Hz; 8° @ 20Hz

u 辒入阻抗:140KΩ非平衡

u 辒出阻抗:150Ω,平衡

u 辒入衰减:-15dB

u 扬声器滤波:-30dB

u 尺寸:70 x 108 x 44mm

u 重量:540g


Stereo Passive Direct Box

The Radial ProD2 is a compact stereo direct box developed specifically to address the needs and challenges of interfacing a stereo keyboard to a professional audio system. This passive DI features two independent channels with separate inputs and thru-puts for the artists stage amp and two fully isolated outputs for the PA system.

Stereo direct box designed for keyboards

Smooth, warm sound rounds out digital edge

Able to handle huge transients without choking

May be rack mounted for touring rigs

World class DI

At the heart of the design are two high performance Eclipse ET-DB2 transformers. These deliver 20Hz to 20kHz performance with less than 1.5dB deviation above 18kHz and are able to withstand tremendous signal levels without distortion. Unlike active circuits that overload when the signal exceeds the rail voltage, transformers saturate. This creates a pleasing effect that naturally rounds out the tone, acting like a subtle limiter which is particularly advantageous when interfacing the ProD2 with digital pianos, samplers and drum machines that can produce excessive dynamics. Transformers are particularly adept at eliminating hum and buzz caused by ground loops.



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