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品牌: 山东鸿宝化工
密度: 0.96g/cm³
长度: 1-6m
宽度: 1-2m
单价: 电询
起订: 10 公斤
供货总量: 100000 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
所在地: 山东 德州市
最后更新: 2019-10-29 14:13
浏览次数: 13


Why is the polyethylene plastic sleeper produced by Ningjin County Hongbao Chem Co., Ltd. so popular that it has gradually replaced traditional wooden sleepers?

   小编带你一起看一下我公司生产的塑料枕木 铁路轨枕和木质枕木相比有哪些优点:

    Let's look at the plastic sleepers produced by our company. The advantages of railway sleepers and wooden sleepers:


   The traditional wood sleepers have a short life span, such as cracking, rot, and insect infestation. Therefore, some relatively special woods, such as beech wood, are used, and pest control, waterproofing, and fire-resisting treatments are performed. In spite of this, with the expansion of modern railways, these timber sources are strained, and, with the increase in speed and load, wooden pillows cannot meet their needs.


Sleepers, also known as sleepers, are now more than just wood, so they are more scientific. Do not look at the monotonous appearance of the sleeper, the appearance is not surprising, its role is not small. The sleeper must support both the rails and the position of the rails, and transfer the great pressure from the rails to the track bed. It must have a certain degree of flexibility and flexibility. If it is hard, it will not work.

1、环保  environmental protection

2、可再利用 can be recycled

3、耐腐蚀性高于木枕三倍以上 corrosion resistance is more than three times higher than wooden pillow

4、加工时更容易使其表面变“毛”,安装在路基上不会滑动  easier to make the surface become "hair" when processing, not to slide on the roadbed

 5、使用寿命更长 longer life


Plastic sleepers are being recommended for ballastless bridges and viaduct structures, which helps reduce dead loads.


In summary, the polymer plastic sleepers produced by our company are more advantageous than traditional wooden sleepers and are more conducive to long-term use.


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