

单价: 电询
品牌: Telegartner
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更新: 2020-02-04 12:24
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N Attenuator, m-f, 3 dB; 2 W; 10 GHz; inner conductor gold plated
The N series is a very popular coax connector. 
It is a medium sized, precision, weatherproof connector supplied with a screw coupling.
 In some applications this connector can be used up to 11 GHz. only 50 ?impedances are ailable. 
Connector styles are ailable for flible, onformable, semi-rigid and corrugated cable types.
 Both crimp and clamp cable termination processes are used for this series. Special design 
techniques for this series of connectors he resulted in cellent levels of performance with 
regard go return loss (VSWR) and intermodulation distortion. Applications for these connectors 
vary from signal and data transmission where vibration resistance and environmental protection 
is required. N series provides a medium-power high-frequency solution for coax connections.
 Mating face sealing for N connectors between plug and jack (mated) according to IP 68. 
The classifications are general statements for the relevant series. Individual connectors 
may deviate from the values shown.

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