
KVH光纤陀螺TG-6000 IMU

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更新: 2019-07-05 14:33
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KVH光纤陀螺TG-6000 IMU
型号:TG-6000 IMU
he KVH TG-6000 Tactical Grade Inertial Measurement Unit is a high-performance, 6 degrees-of-freedom, fiber optic gyro-based motion sensing package ideally suited for motion control and GPS-integrated n**igation applications.
This highly reliable, strap-down inertial subsystem provides accurate measurement of angular rate and linear acceleration and achieves its **cellent performance by employing proprietary algorithms to characterize and correct
 for the effects of temperature, linearity, and misalignment. Output data is provided in a digital (RS-422) format, as well as other **ailable digital formats. The KVH TG-6000 IMU offers the best-value solution whether your 
application involves flight control, orientation, instrumentation, or n**igation.

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