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更新: 2017-09-19 08:26
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Processing round workpieces in conventional force-fit procedures needs high clamping forces to achieve acceptable machining results. Expensive collet chucks he to be used to achieve these high clamping forces. In addition, up to now materials were clamped with a material allowance of up to 25 mm. This often resulted in an unwanted deformation that then had to be corrected or eliminated in an elaborate procedure.

In addition, higher material allowances result in higher unit costs and in some cases make processing irrational. The high clamping forces expose the gripper jaws in particular to high wear.
InoGrip? uses the physical principle of the positive fit. Defined stamping produced by a holding and a stopper tooth makes the clamping jaw and the workpiece into one unit. The stopper tooth also provides an absolutely precise reference point.

Stamping is carried out separately in a stamping station with special stamping jaws and takes approx. 3-4 seconds. Work can continue on the lathe during the stamping process.
Costs are cut in many areas

Material wastage is minimised and unit costs are reduced to a minimum by optimising subsequent machining.

Thanks to the positive fit, it is now possible to remove the part while machining is in progress and then reposition it again precisely after measuring or heat treatment, for example. It is thus now also possible to change from the lathe to the milling machine without any problems.

Thanks to InoGrip? ...

workpiece deformation is reduced
higher true running precision is achieved
subsequent steps can be omitted
operation of the overall system is more stable
vibrations in the part are reduced
higher cutting speeds are achieved
only one set of clamping jaws is needed for scrubbing and finishing
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