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更新: 2019-03-22 09:50
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上海秋腾贸易有限公司销售德国SIME盘式制动器, SIME刹车, SIME-STROMAG制动器,产品型号齐全,价格从优,欢迎来电咨询!SIME盘式制动器, SIME刹车, SIME-STROMAG制动器
SIME-STROMAG Disc Brakes for Wind Turbines Renold Australasia offer SIME-STROMAG INDUSTRIE designed industrial disc brakes. For the last 15 years SIME-STROMAG's R&D team has designed brake solutions to keep pace with the evolution of wind turbines. SIME-STROMAG brakes equip more than 6000 wind turbines worldwide. High Speed Braking The SHD range consists of spring-applied hydraulic release calipers designed especially for the high speed shaft drives of windmills. Low Speed Shaft Braking Wind is unpredictable. Overspeeds apply tremendous stress to wind turbine blades and gearboxes - a powerful back-up braking system will then s**e the day! SIME - STROMAG Industrie BCH and SH range offer: Powerful braking torque Failsafe or positive operation Yaw System Braking Motorised Yaw systems also require a powerful and controlled braking system. SIME - STROMAG h**e the solutions with the BCH positive range 

        制动器限位 069*-48200
制动器限位 069*-48200


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