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单价: 电询
品牌: 鸿宝化工
销量: 累计出售 0
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更新: 2018-09-13 17:23
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The advantage of UHMWPE fender pad:

1. Non-Toxic and smell

2. Low coefficient of friction

3. Corrosion resistant

4. Abrasion and impact resistant

5. Anti-Weather and Anti-Aging

6. Self-lubricating

7. Wear Resistant

8. Great liner material for industrial material handling applications

9. UV Resistant/ultraviolet-resistance sheet

10. High Operating Temperature

11. High Tensile Strength

12. High Viscosity

13. Flame Retardant

Polyethylene has many names. The most common are HDPE, LDPE, andUHMW. The difference has to with the molecular weight and branching which is when a monomer or atom is replaced by a longer chain of polymers (a long repeating chain of atoms). 
used in against impact, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, adhesion, low noise, high industrial mining areas and health requirements, and greatly reduce operating costs and maintenance costs, improve the comprehensive economic benefits

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