
Simrad GC80 Gyrocompass

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更新: 2018-08-01 10:03
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Simrad GC80 Gyrocompass

Fully IMO approved for standard and High Speed Craft (GC85) and can be configured in a dual gyrocompass system. The highest possible accuracy and stability is provided from new technology, by sophisticated and fully sealed sensitive element.

Dynamic error (x secant latitude):Less than -0.4 deg ±
Follow Up Rate:> 75 deg/sec
Picth/Roll Angle:+/- 45 deg
Setting Time:< 3h
Settle point error (x secant latitude):Less than -0.1deg ±
Static error (x secant latitude):Less than -0.1 deg ±
Product Width:340 mm \ 13.4 in
Product Depth:340 mm \ 13.4 in
Product Height:438 mm \ 17.2 in
Product Weight:23 kg \ 50.71 lbs

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